华西口腔医学杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 643-647.doi: 10.7518/hxkq.2017.06.015

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彭秋萍1,2(), 伍军2,3()   

  1. 1.南昌大学口腔医学院
    3.南昌大学附属口腔医院正畸科,南昌 330006
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-08 修回日期:2017-09-08 出版日期:2017-12-20 发布日期:2017-12-01
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:

Progress in exogenous factors affecting the growth and remodeling of condylar process

Qiuping Peng1,2(), Jun Wu2,3()   

  1. 1. School of Stomatology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
    2. The Key Laboratory of Oral Biomedicine, Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330006, China
    3. Dept. of Orthodontics, The Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330006, China
  • Received:2016-11-08 Revised:2017-09-08 Online:2017-12-20 Published:2017-12-01
  • Supported by:
    Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China(13007282).



关键词: 外源性因素, 髁突, 生长改建, 软骨内成骨


Condyle is a critical growth region of the mandible where mandible by endochondral ossification occurs. Con-dylar cartilage belongs to the secondary cartilage, which is not only affected by genetic factors but also by stress, drug intake, and other local factors. To promote the growth of the mandible, various exogenous and local factors were used to alter the biological environment of the condylar cartilage to stimulate endochondral ossification. This article reviews studies on the influence of exogenous factors on condylar growth and reconstruction. This literature review will provide a reference point for the treatment of patients with mandibular retraction.

Key words: exogenous factors, condyle, growth and reconstruction, endochondral ossification
